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Jivadental to appear on Kingston Green Radio 87.7FM

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Kingston Green Radio 87.7FMJivadental have been invited to talk on Kingston Green Radio 87.7FM on the Green Breakfast show with Sam Creed & Jean Vidler.

Dr Bob Bhamra will be talking about why & how he opened the world’s first CarbonNeutral dental practice in Kingston town centre.

It is currently “Paint The Town Green”, a month of green-themed events and activities around the borough, putting environmental and sustainability issues firmly in the spotlight. Paint the Town Green festival has been running for four years and is now the biggest environmental event in the borough.

With events as varied as a public screening of environmental films through to gardening sessions, going green days, road shows and the broadcast of the first Kingston Green Radio, there’s sure to be something to interest everyone.

Tune in to hear Bob on the green breakfast show on Wednesday the 23rd of March at 8.30am.

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